Sunday, May 31, 2015

Waiting for the adventures to start!

My second day was a bit more exciting than the first, but that's not saying much, as I slept the day away yesterday. However, it still has been a glorious two days and I have no complaints whatsoever! I love it! ¡Pura pura pura vida!

The owners of my hostel told me yesterday they would take me to mass today; however, I forget to ask what time they wanted to go. Due to a combination of fearing missing out on their offer, loud birds, and an early early sunrise, I have been up since about 6:30. Thankfully, I slept so much yesterday that I am not too tired today & getting up early wasn't bad. First thing I attempted to do was figure out my new shower, which didn't go so well. It was a very long two-minute shower--so cold I could barely breathe! Very interesting & definitely not what I'm used to, but I figure that these showers will build character. Also, heating water is probably inefficient, so I can contribute to a greener Earth by taking shorter, colder showers (that thought is for Phil! ;)).

The hostel is really nice. I've posted more pictures on Facebook, but here are some highlights:

My bedroom! My hostel doesn't have air-conditioning, so the windows stay open all the time--no screens. So far no weird crazy bugs.. So far.. 

This morning I sat outside on the patio and read for a couple of hours. The mornings aren't quite as humid--it was actually chilly! I needed a sweater. 

The Spanish is challenging, BUT I can only improve! I went to mass with the family and definitely had difficulty following along. At one point during the homily, I thought the priest said, "Dios es alemán," which translates to "God is German." I thought it was supposed to be a funny joke, so I waited for the punchline, but nobody laughed or even cracked a smile. So either it was a really bad joke or the priest did not in fact say that God is German. Note to self: become fluent in Spanish.

Parroquia Nuestro Señora Virgen de Loreto (the Catholic church)

The internship starts tomorrow! Yay! I'm excited to get up and moving more. I've enjoyed relaxing in the hostel for the past 24 hours or so, but I'm ready to be more adventuresome. :)

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