Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Greetings from the Office (Desk..) of Ms. Haley Beavers

Since I'm technically on my lunch break, I don't feel too bad about posting a quick update about my week. Work has gone well. These past few days haven't been quite as busy as last week, but I definitely feel as if my feet are still dragging as I attempt to master this learning curve. I'm pretty disappointed in myself that I don't feel totally grounded, but I guess dealing with such emotions are inevitable. I am doing the best I can!

This organization is focused a lot on helping provide universal health coverage. I have probably already mentioned this, but I am learning a lot about how such laws and policies are formed and put into place. It is easy to think one minute no universal coverage and then, *poof*--universal coverage. Not so!! There is a TON of work that goes into crafting every little piece of a healthcare policy (yes, Captain Obvious, please enlighten us more...). I guess it's just interesting to be a part of such a process, instead of studying it from afar. It has given me a sense of appreciation and empathy for policy makers that "can't seem to get a job done."

Yesterday & today my main focus has been helping with the simplification of the benefits package for the Dominican Republic. This goes back to last week, but now we are starting to make some headway. This is the one project that is entirely in Spanish. Once I am done writing this blog, I will go back to comparing the DR's organization of surgical procedures to other countries with SHI (social health insurance). Do I really know what I am talking about? Nope, not really, but that's been my Brueggeman experience thus far--"work the problem!" In my experience, and I am sure in the experiences of the other Fellows, "problem" is ALWAYS plural. Work the problemS. So many problems. But, all fruitful, as I am learning a lot about health care and, possibly more importantly, myself.

Three short, unrelated work comments, and then I need to get back to the grind:

1. The squirrels in Costa Rica are kind of alarming. This isn't my photo, as I am too timid to whip out my camera when I see them. I have actually only seen two or three of them, and I think I prefer US squirrels:

This counts as culture, right?? Exotic squirrels?

2. My Spanish is so embarrassing! Everyone tells me it is fine, so maybe I just have some serious insecurities to work through. Maybe I expect myself to be fluent.. Maybe I need to lower the standards I set for myself. No, I just think I need to realize that Rome wasn't built in a day, there is no such thing as the "perfect" Brueggeman Fellow, I'm not supposed to be an expert at anything at this point in the game, and it's okay to be sad. Wow, that escalated quickly, but there is a snapshot into what is really going on in my head. :p

3. I am having a crepe night with some of my new friends! :) Yum! The girl from France will be making them for us! We are also going to the Playa del Coco this weekend! Ah! Looking forward to some nice beach relaxation.

Okay, back to work!



  1. Haley, you are doing an amazing job!!! Keith the faith and work the problems. We are all here for you in spirit!!! :)

  2. Ahhhh!! Scary freaking squirrel

  3. Hahaha I'm sure your Spanish is actually really good Haley, eres impresionate :). Keep up the great work :).
